Young Man with a Horn

Film clasic, de colecţie, avându-i ca protagonişti pe Kirk Douglas şi Lauren Bacall, una dintre actriţele mele favorite, precum şi album al lui Miles Davis, apărut la doi ani după film (1952). În film însă nu Miles e cel căruia îi aparţin interpretările la trompetă, ci Harry James.

"A film that treats jazz as the star. Wonderful music, with great playing by Harry James. Even the theme of art versus commercialism is handled sensitively. Hoagy Carmichael is great, and Doris Day shows her big band roots with some beautiful numbers. Throw in a totally off-beat, dark performance by Lauren Bacall, and you have a unique film experience. While some might argue with the upbeat ending - the film is loosely based on the tragic life of Bix Beiderbeck - I found it to be a moving appreciation of the quest of jazz musicians for truth in music, and the underlying sadness that gives some of the greatest jazz its depth." - Reviewer on Imdb

It just couldn't be said better...


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